Diminish Acne Scars for Good with BBL

Acne is many young adults’ worst nightmare and affects 50 million Americans every year. Even if you haven’t had a breakout in years, your acne scars may still remain. 

Do you have indentations on your cheeks? Do you have skin pigmentation you’d like to address? Sometimes it can seem like your skin problems may never go away. 

Shantique Med Spa, located in Torrance, California, provides BroadBand Light (BBL)™ by Sciton® to smooth away acne scars and give you dramatically younger-looking skin. 

How it works

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. After years of wear and tear, it’s no wonder that it starts to show signs of aging like scars, sun damage, and wrinkles. Luckily, BBL targets all of this and more with its state-of-the-art technology.

BBL’s light is shaped similar to a camera flash and uses a variety of different wavelengths. The handheld device emits laser energy deep into your skin to correct a variety of skin concerns while leaving the top layer unharmed. Your skin absorbs the heat energy and encourages the production of fresh, new skin cells.

Your skin regenerates over the next 7-14 days to reveal radiant, even-toned skin with a more youthful appearance.

Breaks up acne scars

Acne scars usually involve uneven skin texture and pigmentation. BBL heats your skin using special wavelengths of light to break apart acne scars. This controlled form of trauma allows your skin to ramp up its collagen production while calming overactive oil glands. 

Not only does it minimize acne scars, but it also reduces acne. BBL does all the work for you while you reap the benefits of smoother, softer, and brighter skin.

More powerful than IPL

Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all the skin care treatments out there. However, BBL is the one to know because it’s the most powerful IPL device on the market. 

You should consider BBL over other forms of IPL because it:

BBL is the best option for you if you’re looking for dramatic results. 

How it reverses aging

Most of us wish we could turn back the clock on our appearance. Research suggests that BBL does exactly this reversing the aging process of our DNA.

DNA lies in each of your cells like a detailed instruction manual. It dictates what each cell will become and how it should work. As we get older, our cells become less productive in their job role.

BBL replenishes our DNA to a younger make-up which improves the genetic code and functioning of it altogether. Not only do we look younger, but our DNA will also act younger.

Say goodbye to acne scars and love the skin you’re in. Schedule your BBL consultation today by calling 310-530-7244 or booking online.

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